Screengrab from https://tsek.ph/.
Tsek.ph checking-in at UP Baguio
The University of the Philippines Baguio will be joining Tsek.ph, a fact checking project for the 2022 Philippine Elections.
Initiated in 2019 by the University of the Philippines System, under the Office of the Vice President for Public Affairs and the College of Mass Communication, UP Diliman, Tsek.ph aims to educate voters in making informed decision in electing leaders.
Collaborating with UP Diliman, UP Los Baños, UP Cebu, UP Visayas and UP Open University, along with 11 media partners and E-boto, the University of the Philippines Baguio through the Department of Communication, College of Arts and Communication and the Office of Public Affairs commit to providing factual news and information to counter disinformation. Faculty members of the Department of Communication, CAC-UP Baguio and OPA staff have already undergone the first training last February 4, 2022 on Political Checking.
Tsek.ph will be formally launched in UP Baguio soon.
Multi-sectoral discussion on gradual face-to-face classes
Chancellor Corazon L. Abansi and the Executive Staff members composed of the Vice Chancellor for Administration, Dr. Santos Jose O. Dacanay, Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Dr. Rosemary Gutierrez, Director for the Office of Student Affairs, Dr. Charita Delos Reyes, Deans of the College of Arts and Communication, College of Science and the College of Social Sciences met with the University Student Council Chair (USC) and Representatives, Rise: UP Baguio Representative and All U.P. Academic Employees Union (AUPAE) – UP Baguio Chapter to discuss the preparations for the limited face-to-face classes and academic activities on January 17, 2022.
The Vice Chancellor for Administration presented the vaccination status of UPB employees, preparations made for the classrooms, laboratories, canteen, dorm and points of entrance and exit. The Director for the Office of Student Affairs presented the vaccination status of students, and the CHED memorandum on the conduct of limited face-to-face. The Deans of the three Colleges also shared the identified courses and academic activities that may be conducted face-to-face.
After the presentations, the Round Table Discussion initiated by the AUPAE, USC and Rise: UP Baguio enabled the students, administrative staff and REPS and faculty to lay down their concerns regarding the limited face-to-face classes and academic activities. Student concerns on finances (student insurance, testing, possible hospitalization, and the like) alongside with the general concerns on identifying a quarantine facility, health protocols inside the campus, among others were also discussed.
During the discussion, it was suggested that a multi-sectoral ad-hoc committee be formed to facilitate the setting up of systems and guidelines on preparations for face-to-face classes and academic activities. The committee will see through the academic policies, health and safety, logistics and foot traffic inside the campus and financial aspects. The suggested multi-sectoral committee will assist in the drafting of a comprehensive and integrated Roadmap for Ligtas Balik-Eskwela. The Chancellor said that such a committee may be possible, but this must be checked for redundancy with the other functions of the existing committees in UP Baguio. The Chancellor welcomed these concerns which will be very helpful in the preparations for the limited face-to-face classes and academic activities.
As of this writing, the Chancellor has already formed a Task Force for Ligtas Balik-Eskwela. Chancellor Abansi said that the task force will be spear-headed by the Human Resources and Development Office- Director Prof. Victoria Diaz, Student Affairs Director- Dr. Charita Delos Reyes, Disaster Risk Reduction Management member- Irene Enriquez, and Public Affairs Director – Dr. Faye Sta Maria-Abalos. The Task Force will be composed by the following UP Baguio committees: DRRM, OSH (Office of Safety and Health) and student representatives to ensure sectoral representation.

Screen grab from the UP Baguio University Student Council Facebook Page.
Call for Recovery and Wellness Break, and the #MovetheSem
Clamoring for a recovery and wellness break and to move the opening of classes to give everyone time, a Multi-Sectoral Alliance (MSA) composed of representatives from All U.P. Academic Employees Unions, All UP Workers Union, University Student Councils, Faculty Regent and Staff Regent met with the Vice President for Administration, Vice President for Academic Affairs, Chancellors and Vice Chancellors across CUs.
With the recent surge of COVID-19 in the Philippines, the representatives of the Multi-Sectoral Alliance (MS) presented their current concerns on heavy workload for UP employees and students, health-related issues, the recent typhoons that have become burdensome for many. During the series of discussions, the Vice President for Academic Affairs and the Vice President for Administration said that the clamor for a recovery and wellness break and the moving of the opening of classes will be decided upon by the CUs.
Responding to this clamor, and acknowledging the realities faced by the members of the UP Baguio community, Chancellor Corazon L. Abansi issued a letter on January 28, 2022.
In the letter addressed to the members of the UP Baguio community, Registration schedule is moved to February 7-10, 2022 and the start of classes will be on February 14, 2022. For the first week of classes, synchronous and asynchronous classes and giving academic requirements are suspended. This will give time for both faculty and students to rest. Administrative staff and REPS will continue with the “any/or alternative work arrangement (AWA), following the Civil Service Commission, circular 18, s. 2020.” Learning and Development Activities (LDA) will also be provided. The Vice Chancellor for Administration will issue a separate guideline for this soon.
Read the Chancellor’s Message to the UPB Community below and in the UP Baguio website: https://www.upb.edu.ph/announcements-files/1074-easing-into-the-second-semester-ay-2021-2022.
From almost 400 COVID cases in January which prompted the Chancellor to temporarily close the UP Baguio campus on January 18-21, 2022 and January 21-26, 2022 for disinfection and to give way to faculty, administrative staff and REPS to recover and attend to their family members who were affected by the virus, the month of February looks brighter for Baguio City.
The COVID-19 cases in Baguio City started to decrease this month. The City is currently under Alert Level 2 from February 16-28, 2022.
LUDIP Sectoral Consultations at UP Baguio

Left, Vice Chancellor for Administration – Dr. Santos O. Dacanay presenting the LUDIP to the UP Baguio Alumni Officers and members. Right, Chancellor Corazon L. Abansi and Ms. Lilia R. Bautista, UPAA Baguio-Northern Luzon Chapter President.
Chancellor Corazon L. Abansi and the Vice Chancellor for Administration Dr. Santos O. Dacanay III started the series of stakeholder consultations for the Land Use Development and Infrastructure Plan (LUDIP) covering years 2022 to 2032 to improve and utilize its resources. The objectives of the consultations are to solicit suggestions for improvement in the land use and infrastructure development of the UPB campus and to strengthen the support and commitment from all stakeholders of the university.
Consultations started with the members of the Alumni on February 8, 2022. The administrative staff and REPS met on February 11, 2022 at the Chancellor’s Board Room. The series of stakeholder consultations with the College faculty members via Zoom was held on February 21, 2022.
The members of the UP Baguio LUDIP headed by Vice Chancellor Dacanay, and under the leadership of Chancellor Abansi are Arch. Lloyd B. Asim, Engr. Anselmo Himmiwat, Ms. Rosel Oryan and Irene Enriquez. The full report and LUDIP proposal will be presented to the UP President this August 2022.
Students, faculty, administrative staff REPS and alumni are strongly encouraged to participate in the upcoming schedule for sectoral consultations.

Consultation with the Administrative Staff and Reps on February 11, 2022. Left, Vice Chancellor for Administration Dr. Santos O. Dacanay III.Right, Irene Enriquez of the UP Baguio LUDIP Team.

Administrative Staff and REPS during the LUDIP Stakeholder Consultation on February 11, 2022.
UP Baguio Hosts First International Math Conference
By: Jerico B. Bacani

Dr. Del Rosario during his Zoom presentation. Screenshot by Author.
As it celebrated its 60th Anniversary, University of the Philippines Baguio (UP Baguio) reached another milestone as the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science of the College of Science launched its very first international mathematics conference on November 24 -26, 2021 via virtual platform.
The event was “Sab-atan 2021: International Conference on Mathematical Sciences and Applications.” Sab-atan was a new word to many, even for most of the organizers. It is a Kankana-ey word that means a place for meeting or gathering. The event was envisioned to be a point of convergence of new results and knowledge that will be shared by mathematicians from all over the world. It was also a converging point to build friendships, and academic and research linkages.
The conference was in honor of Dr. Priscilla S. Macansantos (Ma’am Precy), a highly respected mathematician in the region and in the Philippines, and the first chancellor of UP Baguio. She was pivotal in steering the university’s teaching and research directions. With the support of her successors, UP Baguio now is one of the leading institutions of higher learning in the country.
The conference was also dedicated to Dr. Teofina Rapanut, Prof. Reynaldo Rimando, Prof. Avelino Bucaoto, and to all former colleagues and professors who inspired and motivated the faculty to chase their dreams wholeheartedly.
The plenary speakers came from 4 countries, including the Philippines. They were: Dr. Rolando de Santiago (Purdue University, USA), Dr. Mohd Hafiz Mohd (Universiti Sains Malaysia), Dr. Marian Roque (UP Diliman), Dr. Ricardo del Rosario (Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, USA), Dr. Editha Jose (UP Los Baños), Prof. Dr. Hideyuki Azegami (Nagoya University, Japan), Dr. Dennis Bacani (Temple University-Japan Campus) and our honoree.
The opening plenary lecture was delivered by Dr de Santiago. His talk was about Classification of von Neumann Algebras – L2 cohomology and s-malleable deformations maximal rigid subalgebras.
On the second day, Dr del Rosario provided a tour of some of his research projects where he used computational biology to analyze genomic data, and how the results could answer biological questions.
During the last day, Dr. D. Bacani discussed the Solvability of singular nonlinear partial differential equations with arbitrary order. He was joined by Dr. Macansantos who talked about Fixed Point Theorems in Applications, including Differential Equations and Inclusions.
In this year’s Sab-atan, 14 countries were represented, including the Philippines, coming from 31 local schools and universities and 20 foreign universities. The 176 registered participants (35 are paper presenters) came from Austria, Japan, India, Latvia, Lithuania, Malaysia, Morocco, Portugal, Spain, Thailand, Turkey and Philippines; and the foreign plenary speakers came from Japan, Malaysia and USA.
Sab-atan 2021 was indeed a successful online conference. Kudos to all who contributed, in one way or another, and may this be the start of the recurring international conference that will be hosted by UP Baguio.
Celebrating Dr. Precy Macansantos during the Sab-Atan 2021
by: Jerico B. Bacani
As the first international conference on mathematics organized by the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science (DMCS), College of Science-UP Baguio, Sab-Atan 2021 became a venue to celebrate the retirement of Dr. Priscilla Supnet Macansantos. She is a former Chancellor of UP Baguio and a pioneer in Philippine Mathematics. The conference celebrated her achievements, and here are some of the testimonials delivered via Zoom in the opening and closing ceremonies:
From UP Officials:
“Dr. Macansantos is a living testimony of how mathematicians are the first to see the oneness of knowledge. She has shown the interconnectedness of the arts and the sciences, of humanity and technology through her many excellences. We honor her for her passions, the unity in her of the diverse fields of mathematics and science, literary writing, institutional management, teaching, to name a few.”
– Atty. Danilo Concepcion, UP President
“But Professor Macansantos was not only engaged in building programs and institutions. She was a beloved mentor of some of the organizers of this Conference, who, like her other co-faculty members and former graduate students, are dedicated to advancing mathematics and science through their own teaching and research. Equally remarkable is the fact that Professor Macansantos did not only specialize and publish in the areas of analysis, ordinary differential equations and mathematical modelling, she has also won a prestigious Don Carlos Palanca Memorial award in an English Essay competition and awards for her poetry.”
– Dr. Maria Cynthia Rose Banzon Bautista, UP Vice President for Academic Affairs
“I am happy, that this event coincides with the 60th founding anniversary of UP Baguio. This marks a very memorable day. In its 60 years of existence, UPB is recognizing Prof.
Priscilla S. Macansantos who dedicated her entire academic life serving UP Baguio and the math community in the region, the country, as well as outside the Philippines.”
– Dr. Corazon L. Abansi, UP Baguio Chancellor
“Professor Macansantos led the Department in writing academic curricular proposals for graduate programs and actively pushed for their approval. Thus, UP Baguio now offers both MS and PhD Programs in Mathematics. She was also the first Chancellor of UP Baguio, and she greatly contributed in steering this University to be one of the leading institutions of higher learning in Northern Luzon.”
– Dr. Rosemary M. Gutierrez, UPB Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
“The activity serves as a significant contribution to knowledge sharing, in accordance with the 2030 UN Sustainable Development Goals. It forms part of the celebration of the annual National Science and Technology week, the 60th Anniversary year of the University of the Philippines Baguio and tribute to esteemed retired Mathematics Professor Dr. Priscilla S. Macansantos.”
– Dr. Dymphna N. Javier, UPB College of Science Dean
“This conference is in celebration of the retirement of our colleague, Prof. Priscilla Supnet-Macansantos, who has significantly contributed to the department, especially in the development of graduate programs in mathematics.”
– Dr. Rizavel C. Addawe, UPB Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Chair
From Friends
“Precy belongs to a rare breed, a mathematician and poet converge… the sciences and the humanities… Nurtured both people… I witnessed the growth of UP Baguio as an academic institution … She is an academic leader, institution builder and beloved colleague. I wish you happiness and more adventures in mind and spirit.
- Dr. Fidel Nemenzo, UP Diliman Chancellor, NRCP Mathematical Sciences Division Chair
“We are gathered to congratulate you on your achievements and to thank you for spending the best years of your life in the service of the university, the community and the nation. You have tirelessly and consistently molded young and brilliant minds to become future mathematicians… You have been an unfailing inspiration to many students and members of our community, and a motivation for us all to continue strive for excellence, integrity, and selflessness.”
- Dr. Polly Sy, UP Diliman IM, former NRCP Mathematical Sciences Division Chair
“Indeed, Precy has contributed immensely to the improvement of the landscape of Philippine Mathematics. She is a veritable fixed point of stability in a world of many perturbations moving at a dizzying rate of change.”
– Dr. Jose Maria Balmaceda, former UP Diliman CS Dean
“With Prof. Teofina Rapanut, Prof. Macansantos was a pillar of the MSP in the region. They helped launch and then guide the organization to where and what it is now, the MSP_CAR- Regions 1 and 2 Chapter, and this was despite the demands of her administrative work.”
- Dr. Carlene Arceo of UP Diliman IM, MSP National board member
“Ang naging impluwensiya ni ma’am Precy sa UP Baguio ay hindi lang mababanaag kundi madarama sa DMCS … Ang iyong pagiging precise, concise, correct at complete sa mga nais mong gawin at matapos, at ang iyong pagiging coherent at relevant sa mga sulatin… ang iyong pagiging alagad sa dalawang kultura ay tatatak at mananatili sa aming balintataw.” – Dr. Henry Adorna of UP Diliman, Professor of Computer Science, Former UPB Colleague
From Colleagues and Students
“May I use an Ilocano term that symbolizes Prof. Macansantos… Sabangan. It refers to the convergence of the salty sea water and the fresh water that comes from the mountain streams and rivers. A meeting of two seemingly different entities yet they create something new…a compromise of opposites. Prof Macansantos is the best example of this convergence of opposites. Rarely do we find a math whiz and a celebrated multi-awarded literati. Her passion for literature is convergent with her mastery of mathematical concepts.”
- Prof. Avelino Bucaoto, Ma’am Precy’s Former Professor
“You helped us grow as mathematicians, having given as the solid foundation in ordinary differential equations… You were an inspiration and a role model of what makes a great teacher as we become teachers ourselves. You were one of the people who made us dream of life in the academia… You are a role model of what makes a strong woman having taking a stand and fighting for what is right.”
- Prof. Walter Villanueva (Docent, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden)
and Mary Chriz Villanueva, MSc Engineering Mathematics graduate
“As a professor, I would say, she is a certified plantita. She planted seeds of curiosity and ambition…. She opened our eyes to the vast field of mathematics…On top of the usual motivation to learn the course materials, she was from time to time injecting the idea to have a vision, like there is a lot to learn, a lot to study, and a lot to research on.”
- Dr. Aurelio A de los Reyes V, UP Diliman Associate Professor
“I am grateful to have had you as a role model in life. I would say a real life mathematical role model who I always have as an excellent reference. I have learned a lot from you and I am forever grateful.” – Prof. Andrei Domogo, First graduate of UPB PhD Math program
“In every journey we take we have our guide and inspiration. The Mathematical Society of the Philippines – CAR-Regions 1 and 2 Chapter is indeed grateful that along its journey from transitional stage in 2014 to where it is now, Prof. Priscilla Macansantos has always been one of its constant guides and driving inspiration of the chapter to continue journeying and exploring greater possibilities.”- Dr. Orcene Cancino, MSP CAR-Reg 1, 2 President
“Truly an honor to be one of your students. I may not be able to follow your footsteps of success, but I hope that I can also be a great educator like you, an educator who inspires and influences with humility despite your many academic achievements in life.”
– Dr. Erovita ‘Vitz’ Bacud –College and graduate faculty at University of Saint Louis Tuguegarao
“Maraming Salamat po ma’am sa guidance, sa support, and most especially for the rigorous training that shaped us into who we are now… Thank you ma’am for pushing me always to do the extra mile and for teaching me of what it means to become a mature professional.”
- Dr. Tjaart Estrada –PhD graduate, faculty at Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University – La Union
“We would like to take this very special opportunity to thank you for all the knowledge
you shared, and for your guidance that made us who we are today.”
- Dr. John Rafael Antalan, Dr. Eduard Taganap at Mr. Jorem Cawagas- faculty of Central Luzon State University
“Thank you for being one of the best educators who taught me in the field of mathematics… for putting in a great effort in the establishment of the MS Math program of the Department … I was finally spared of long travel hours to Diliman when the program was approved… and for taking me under your wings especially during the early years of my career at the university. You inspired me not to give up on my dream of being a math teacher.”
- Dr. Perlas Caranay – PhD graduate, resides in Canada, teaches at UP Baguio as lecturer
“Our honoree was one of the pillars of the university and is one of the reasons why DMCS should stand proud as it culminates the first Sab-atan international conference… Ma’am Supnet during my time is an icon in and out of our department establishing a solid reputation as a faculty, administrator, researcher, poet, and a writer.”
- Dr. Joel Addawe, Former DMCS Chair, (Ma’am Precy is his PhD thesis reader)
“More than playing a big part in my mathematical training, you showed to me that being a mathematician does not stop you from lending your critical voice to what is happening in UP and beyond. To me, you embody the true scholar ng bayan, a polymath if you will, the kind of academic our society needs. Our fixed point is the love of our country.”
- Dr. Wilfredo Alangui, UP Baguio Professor, Former CS Dean and VCAA
One of the international presenters, Dr. Uamporn Witthayarat from the University of Phayao in Thailand, also sent a congratulatory message to the organizers and warm wishes to the honoree during the closing program.
STUDENT ENROLLMENT STATUS as of February 17, 2022
- UPAA Baguio-Northern Luzon donated Php 150,000.00 to the victims of Typhoon Odette.
- UP Baguio and the UPAA Baguio-Northern Luzon congratulates Mr. Karl Antholy Camila (Batch 2007), Script Producer, and Ms. Marijoy Pablo (Batch 2010), Master Editor of The Jessica Soho Presidential Interviews for the successful program on Presidential candidates aired on January 22, 2022.